Monday, October 27, 2008

Dumpster Diver

This is a funny little blurp. I wish I kept it recording longer cause it was even funnier watching him get out of this predicament.

I promise I really don't encourage him to play in the trash, he just loves the crinkle of the trash bag and then the lid just happens to find its way on/around him. Promise!

Wyatt's 1st Trip To The Beach

This past week was my fall break and Doug decided to take the week off from work as well and we made a trip to the SC coast. Unfortunately the weather wasn't warm enough to allow for real beach play. But, we were able to get a couple of photos of us camping and on the beach.

Wyatt really had a fascination with the sand and big clam shells that he found (with a little help from his daddy) on the beach.

Enjoy the pics.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Toothes # 3 &4

Daddy found my two front teeth this past weekend. Only the right front one has actually broken through the gum, however the left front tooth is hovering just below the gum. I guess it's just waiting for it's turn to make it's entrance. However as fast as the other one's have come in I don't think it will take anytime.
Hopefully we'll be able to get a picture up soon. No more baby gummy smiles. :o(

Water Bowl Shuffle

Wyatt is so talented! He created his own dance step. He even incorporated some props to add some pizazz.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I Think I Can

Wyatt has been climbing through and over chair legs at his Grandma's house for a couple of weeks, but he just decided to do it at home tonight. We still have a little more practice in store for us. He tends to get hung on his belly, but lots of grunts and wiggles back and for he can usually clear the rung on the chair.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Soccer Anyone?

I think we might have a pro on hands, but we gotta figure out how to keep our hands of the ball first. Maybe we'll hit the Pee Wee circuit first. We'll be sure to get you the schedule as soon as we know it. Promise.